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12 Days Of Christmas, With Roasting Warehouse!

12 Days Of Christmas, With Roasting Warehouse!


To celebrate the Month of December, We are giving away a 12.

The giveaway includes 12 different gifts from Roasting Warehouse

Consisting of a coffee machine and grinder, small sized hamper, medium sized hamper, large hamper, 1kg worth of coffee, A box of wine, a mega sized hamper, A large chocolate hamper, a frank green bottle set and a range of gift vouchers above $100!


All orders over $50 online and in-store contribute to 1 ENTRY!

(With 1 entry you are in the draw for the entire 12 days and can possibly win one of the prizes! But with more orders over $50 made, the more likely you are to win in the draw...)

Get your Christmas gifts or stock up on your favourite blends for christmas, either way you'll be in running to win yourself a present within the 12 days!

Goodluck to everyone and Merry Christmas!